Join us

Before you contact us, please take the time to review our approach to work, we are not just another company.

  • We operate on an egalitarian basis, while taking everyone's needs into account.

    At present, we are not yet competitive with current IT salaries in Switzerland.

    When we make more sales, we increase salaries and invest in the digital commons.

  • This company is a community that we all take care for. For this, everyone must be autonomous, responsible, and ready to help. There are no bosses, and a lot of freedom, but everyone is accountable for multiple roles.

    No endless meetings, it’s a promise! Actually, we are so efficient that we sometimes can't keep up.

  • We are as supportive as we are accountable. We are committed to furthering Octree's purpose and taking care of it.

    We are pro-collective intelligence and anti-sleepless nights. We avoid being heroes at all costs and we can rely on each other.

The total number of applications accepted is based on the principle of parity, but the decision is based on the suitability of the profile. At present, we're not looking to expand the team.

We're not looking to fill jobs, we're looking for know-how and new encounters. If you are interested in meeting us, please get in touch. We're always happy to expand our contacts. 

What is your meaningful work to do in this world?

Join us in building a sustainable future